Selected Publications

For a more comprehensive list, please visit my Google Scholar page.


Teachers' attitude towards integrating ICT in teacher education

Nimisha Beri, Lalit Sharma

In Proceedings of the 'International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering'


An evaluative study of reliability and validity of Grit 12 item scale in Indian Context.

Nimisha Beri, Amita Sharma

In Proceedings of the 'Journal of Indian Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health'


Levels of work place happiness, organizational commitment, work motivation, and job satisfaction among secondary school teachers in bhutan

C Gyeltshen, N Beri

In Proceedings of the 'International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering '


A study on Technological and Content Knowledge among Teacher-Educators in Punjab Region

N Beri, L Sharma

In Proceedings of the 'International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) '



Predictors of Academic Resilience among Students: A Meta Analysis

Nimisha Beri, Deepak Kumar

In Proceedings of the 'Journal on Educational Psychology'




Professional Commitment of Teachers Educators in Relation to Work Motivation.

Nimisha Beri, ANOOP Beri

In Proceedings of the 'International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature'


Cognitive Style Of Secondary School Students In Relation To Adversity quotient

Nimisha Beri, Monu Kumar

In Proceedings of the 'Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Research'



Personal Growth Initiative among Undergraduate Students: Influence of Emotional Self Efficacy and General Well Being

Nimisha Beri & Manisha Jain

In Proceedings of the 'Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities'




with by Bhav Beri.